【開催案内】2025.3.17 Alleson D. Villota CEGLOS客員研究員による研究成果報告会 "Migrant Workers as Media Prosumers"

静岡県立大学グローバル・スタディーズ研究センターでは3月17日(月)に、Alleson D. Villota CEGLOS客員研究員による研究成果報告会を開催いたします。

The Center for Global Studies at the University of Shizuoka will host a presentation by CEGLOS Visiting Researcher Alleson D. Villota on Monday, March 17.

【タイトル/ Title】

  • "Migrant Workers as Media Prosumers: Filipino Migrant Workers in the Digital Turn"

【講演者/ Speaker】


【日時/ When】

  • 2025年3月17日(月)15:00~16:00
  • MON, March 17, 2025 15:00~16:00

【会場/ Where】

  • ハイブリッド開催(静岡県立大学 & Zoom)
  • Hybrid (Univ. of Shizuoka & ZOOM)

【参加登録/ Registration】

【概要/ Abstract】



This presentation examines Filipino labor migrant workers in Japan who are also active content creators. Focusing on the YouTube platform, which is one of the most popular and accessible platforms for audiovisual content, this study explores how affordances of Internet-enabled digital communication technologies enable migrant workers to create user-generated content, and by doing so, engage audiences, form communities, establish virtual networks, and actively participate in creating visual and discursive representations. By analyzing these migrant worker-produced media, this study contributes to scholarship on migration, digital media, and the use of computational approaches in social science research. 

【お問い合わせ/ Inquiry】

フライヤー/ Flyer